About Me
Hi, I'm Falsis. But that's not my name for sure. My name is Kerem. Nice to meet you. Currently, I'm 17.16 years old. So this means now I'm an 11th grade high-school student. I guess I should start with programming first. I am a Front-End developer who develops full-stack projects because sometimes uses back-end, but is far from being a full-stack developer due to shortcomings in back-end. I am developing web projects but I want to focus on Android application development in the future. That's why learning Kotlin is one of my goals but I am postponing it for later because I will have difficulty using Android Studio on my current computer. In short, I am currently a Front-End Web Developer. You can see the technologies i use here.
Academically I'm interested in Maths, Physics, History, Geography and Linguistics. Other than that, I love playing Football, Basketbool, Billiard, Guitar and something else.
I really love listening music. I love music genres such as Rock, Hard Rock, Turkish Rock, Metal, Alternative Metal, Numetal etc.
I use Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp, Discord, Spotify, Pinterest, Reddit, Netflix, GitHub, Wikipedia and Tiktok as social media platforms.
My main language is Turkish, my English level is about B2, I started learning German but it's still A1 or A2 for me. I can understand and speak A1 level Japanese too, besides I can read Kana (Hiragana & Katakana). Because of the language family of my main language. I can understand over 90% Oghuz languages such as Gagauz, Azerbaijani or Turkmen. I'm a Turkish muslim. So I'm familiar with Arabic alphabet too but I can't read it fr.
When it comes to talk about the series and movies, I like things that surprise me when I watch them, like Plot Twists. In this sense, I can watch any series or anime set in any period. I even watch sitcoms, even though they interest me less than others. I watched a lot of anime. You can check it out on MyAnimeList or AniList. I also enjoy reading manga and occasionally light nove. You can check them out on those accounts too.
Regarding sports, I like to play and watch football. I am a Fenerbahçe fan. I don't support a team in the city I live in. I don't support any team in Europe other than Real Madrid and maybe Benfica. My card, which I need to enter the match as a spectator, is stamped Göztepe and I also have an expired Altınordu card. But I don't support them fr. I also like to play and watch basketball. I like the Euroleague more than the NBA because I prefer tactical games to show. I'm a huge Magnus Carlsen fan and I like to play chess. And Finally, I play billiards sometimes.